Sophia Girls’ College, Ajmer
Sophia Girls' College
(Autonomous), Ajmer
Seat of Wisdom


Session 2024-25

Session 2024-25

The Geo Innovation Challenge Program is not just a competition; it's a repository of groundbreaking ideas that have the potential to shape our future. We invite participants to contribute ideas that go beyond conventional boundaries, proposing innovative solutions that merge geospatial technologies with cutting-edge advancements charting the course for a brighter future!

Role Of Geospatial Technology In Capacity Building Of Women In Society
Last date of Registration: 10 May 2024
Online orientation of applicants: 15 May 2024
Submission of Full Idea: 15 June 2024
Intimation of acceptance for next round: 30 June 2024
Dates of the final event: 29-31 July 2024.

Session 2023-24

Session 2023-24

Dept. of Computer Science, Sophia Girls' College, Ajmer (Autonomous) is organizing a National Seminar on Generative Artificial Intelligence Use Cases and Applications

19th - 20th March, 2024

Session 2023-24

Session 2023-24

Dept. of English, Sophia Girls' College, Ajmer (Autonomous) is organizing a National Workshop on EXPLORING LITERATURE, LANGUAGE, CULTURE AND THE INTERNET

30th - 31st January, 2024

Session 2022-23

Session 2022-23

The Department of Economics & Department of Computer Science, Sophia Girls’ College (Autonomous), Ajmer, Rajasthan, is organizing a '3 Days International Workshop on DATA ANALYSIS using SPSS & R Language

20th – 22nd Feb' 2023

Session 2022-23

Session 2022-23

The Department of English, Sophia Girls’ College (Autonomous), Ajmer, Rajasthan, is organizing a '2 Days International conference on Recent Trends in Literature and Linguistics’

10th-11th March, 2023

Session 2022-23

Session 2022-23

The Department of Geography, Sophia Girls’ College (Autonomous), Ajmer, Rajasthan, India is organizing a '7 Day International Lecture Series on Building Resilient Communities across Global Landscapes and their Technological Advancements’

22nd-28th August, 2022

Session 2021-22

Session 2021-22

Dept. of English, Sophia Girls' College, Ajmer (Autonomous) is organizing a National conference on Critical Explorations on Indian Drama

17th - 18th December, 2021

Session 2021-22

Session 2021-22

Dept. of Chemistry, Sophia Girls' College, Ajmer (Autonomous) is organizing a A National Webinar on Spectroscopic Techniques: A Tool for Structure Elucidation

21st - 22nd October, 2021

Session 2021-22

Session 2021-22

Dept. of Physics, Sophia Girls' College, Ajmer (Autonomous) is organizing a A Two-Day International Webinar on Exploring the Properties of Materials at Nanoscale

9th-10th July, 2021

Session 2020-21

Session 2020-21

Sophia Girls' College, Ajmer (Autonomous) is a part of the International Dialogue on Ecological Restoration Webinar

5th June, 2021 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Session 2020-21

Session 2020-21

Dept. of Economics and Dept. of Physical Education, Sophia Girls' College, Ajmer (Autonomous) is organizing a National Webinar on Making India a Global Sports Powerhouse

5th - 6th January, 2021 from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Session 2020-21

Session 2020-21

Dept. of Zoology, Sophia Girls' College, Ajmer (Autonomous) is organizing a National Webinar on Is the Pandemic Lockdown a Green Moment for Biodiversity?

17th - 18th August, 2020 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Session 2020-21

Session 2020-21

Dept. of English, Sophia Girls' College, Ajmer (Autonomous) is organizing a National Webinar on Healing Power of Arts

7th - 8th August, 2020 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Session 2020-21

Session 2020-21

Dept. of Computer Science, Sophia Girls' College, Ajmer (Autonomous) is organizing an International Webinar on Impact of Digital Threats and Cyber Risk during COVID-19

24th - 25th July, 2020 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Session 2020-21

Session 2020-21

Dept. of Home Science & Psychology, Sophia Girls' College, Ajmer (Autonomous) is organizing an International Webinar on Food and Well Being Challenges of the 21st Century (A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love)

17th - 18th July, 2020 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Session 2020-21

Session 2020-21

Dept. of History, Sophia Girls' College, Ajmer is organizing a National Webinar on Lessons from the Past: Studying Trends and Responses to Epidemics

10th - 11th July, 2020 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Session 2020-21

Session 2020-21

Dept. of Political Science , Sophia Girls' College Ajmer is organizing a National webinar on Taming the Dragon - A Holistic Review of India - China Ties

1st - 2nd July, 2020 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m

Session 2019-20

Session 2019-20

Dept. of Geography , Sophia Girls' College Ajmer is organizing an International webinar on Post COVID-19 Development and Challenges in South Asia in collaboration with Social Science Research Association of India (SSRAI) , Dept of Politics and International Relations, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, Center for South Asian Studies , Dept. of Geography, Savitribai Phule University, Pune, Maharashtra

27th - 28th June, 2020

Session 2019-20

Session 2019-20

Sophia Girls' College Ajmer is organizing a webinar on Emerging Career Options post COVID 19 in collaboration with IBS

Saturday 13th June, 2020 from 11:00 a.m. to 12 noon.

Session 2019-20

Session 2019-20

7 Day Faculty Development Program on Institutional Bench Marking of Best Practices organized by IQAC of DPM's Shree Mallikarjun Shree Chetan Manju Desai College , Canacona - GOA & Partner Institutes : Sophia Girls' College (Autonomous), Ajmer - Rajasthan, Parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts and Science (Autonomous), Margao-Goa AKI's Poona College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Camp, Poona, K.L.E, Society's Lingaraj College, Belagavi, Autonomous Shikshan Prasarak Sanstha Sangamner Nagarpalika Arts, D. J. Malpani Commerce and B.N. Sarada Science College, Sangamner ,South Asian Institute for Advanced Research & Development, Kolkata

8th June to 14th June 2020 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m

Session 2019-20

Session 2019-20

International Webinar on the World Environment Day 'Time for Nature' - Post Covid-19 challenges to Environmental Management. Organized by Social Science Research Association of India (SSRAI), Dept. of Geography (Savitri Bai Phule Univ., Pune),Pragya Academy (Jaipur),Parishkar College of Global Excellence (Jaipur), Sophia Girls' College (Autonomous), Ajmer in association with Common Wealth Human Ecology Council (CHEC)

5th June 2020, Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m

Session 2019-20

Session 2019-20

Webinar on 'Financial Analysis Landscape and Career Opportunities in Investment Banking' Organized by Sophia Girls' College Ajmer

11th May 2020

Session 2019-20

Session 2019-20

Two Day National Workshop on ‘Revised Assessment and Accreditation Framework for Higher Education in India’ organized by IQAC of Sophia Girls’ College, Ajmer (Autonomous) in collaboration with St. Aloysius’ College, Jabalpur (Autonomous) and funded by United Board for Christian Education in Asia.

28th-29th February 2020

Session 2019-20

Session 2019-20

Two Day International Conference on ‘Water- A Focus on the Future and Innovation’, organized by Departments of Economics and Political Science, Sophia Girls’ College, Ajmer.

24th-25th February 2020

Session 2019-20

Session 2019-20

Two Day International Conference on ‘New Dimensions In Commerce and Management Practices - Perspective 2030’, organized by Departments of Commerce and Management, Sophia Girls’ College, Ajmer.

7th-8th February 2020

Session 2019-20

Session 2019-20

Four Day International Workshop on 'Human Rights' organized by Departments of Political Science and History in collaboration with PUCL and BARC, as part of the One Week ‘SYNERGY 2020- International Staff and Student Exchange Programme’, with 60 students and 8 staff members from 10 institutions hosted by Sophia Girls’ College.

27th January-2nd February 2020

Session 2019-20

Session 2019-20

Two Day International Workshop on ‘Real Life Application of Machine Learning and Image Processing Using MATLAB’, organized by Department of Computer Science, Sophia Girls’ College, Ajmer and Sponsored by DST.

17th-18th December 2019

Session 2019-20

Session 2019-20

Three Day National Level Orientation Program on 'Capacity Building with Geospatial Technologies', organized by Department of Geography, Sophia Girls’ College,Ajmer and sponsored by DST.

28th-30th November 2019

Session 2019-20

Session 2019-20

Two Day National Workshop on ‘Instrumentation Techniques for Research in Chemical Sciences’, organized by Department of Chemistry, Sophia Girls’ College, Ajmer.

6th-7th September 2019

Session 2018-19

Session 2018-19

Legal Awareness Program The District Collector Ms. Arti Dogra in collaboration with the NGO United Ajmer conducted a Legal Awareness Program for the College students and staff members. Ms. Dogra encouraged the students to pursue their dreams despite of all odds.

Session 2018-19

Session 2018-19

Seminar on ‘Global Warming and Depletion of Flora and Fauna’

Organized by the Department of Botany, this two day Seminar conducted by Prof. Ordetta Mendonca highlighted the alarming concerns of global warming.

Session 2018-19

Session 2018-19

National Workshop on ‘Research Methodology and Data Analysis using Data Mining Tools’ Organised by the Department of Computer Science, the Workshop helped the participants to understand the research arena better. Prof. Lalit Kumar Awasthi, Director, B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology was the Chief Guest and Keynote Speaker of the Workshop. Prof. N.N. Jani, Director, SKPIMCS-KSV was the Resource Person of various technical sessions.

Session 2018-19

Session 2018-19

National Conference on ‘Emerging Trends and Scope in the Banking sector with special reference to the present Indian Scenario’ Organized by the Departments of Commerce and Economics, the Conference brought together academicians, industry policy makers, entrepreneurs and concerned stakeholders to deliberate on the emerging trends and scope in the contemporary Indian banking sector. Prof. Arun Kumar, a JNU Professor (Retired) and country’s leading authority on Black economy debates was the part of the Valedictory function. There were 300 students, 80 Research Scholars and around 100 Academicians who participated in the Conference.

Session 2018-19

Session 2018-19

Workshop on Translation Studies Organised by the Department of English, the Resource Persons of the workshop were Prof. H.C. Narang from JNU and Dr. Ranjit Saha from Delhi University.

Session 2018-19

Session 2018-19

National Conference on ‘Advances in Science and Technology’ Organised by the Department of Chemistry, the Conference focused on topics like nanotechnology and nanoparticles, green Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Mathematical Computations, natural products, Coordination Chemistry, Phytochemistry etc. Dr. ND Gajbhiye, Prof. of Chemistry (Retd.) IIT Kanpur graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and Dr. MRR Prasad, Scientist/Engineer (Retd.) ISRO Dept. of Space Govt. of India was the Keynote Speaker.

Session 2018-19

Session 2018-19

Workshop on Memory, Mind and Body titled as “Intelligent Meet” Organized by the Department of Psychology, the Resource Person was Mr. Vinod Sharma who is a Guinness World Book record holder. The Workshop enlightened the students about mnemonics and other tricks to enhance learning and memory.

Session 2018-19

Session 2018-19

Workshop on ‘Quantitative Techniques and Data Analysis’ Organised by Department of Geography, the Workshop focused on various quantitative techniques and data analysis used in research. Dr. Jitendra Kumar, Professor R.N Mishra and Dr. Deepak Mehra were the Resource Persons for the Workshop.

Session 2018-19

Session 2018-19

National Seminar on ‘E-learning and MOOC’s in Higher Education’ Organized by IQAC, Sophia Girls’ College (Autonomous) in collaboration with Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre of MHRD, co-organized by Directorate of College Education, Government of Rajasthan; the Seminar helped the teachers to understand the importance of incorporating e- learning in their classrooms.

Session 2018-19

Session 2018-19

Departmental Fests Department of Home Science organized Nutrition Fest from 18th-20th September 2018. Department of English organized its Lit-Fest “Pegasus” on 5th February 2019 and Department of Economics organized their fest “Ecolloquium”.

25th March 2019

Session 2018-19

Session 2018-19

IOT IGNITE -Two Day Workshop on Internet of Things. Department of Computer Science organized a Two Day Seminar on ‘Internet of Things’ to make students and scholars aware of the growing importance of this theme in today’s tech-savvy society. Dignitaries like Mr. Madhukant Patel, MD Reve Automation LLP, Prof. N.N Jani, Director SKPIMCS-KSV, and Dr. Richa Mehta, Asst. Prof. KSV University, Gandhinagar graced the Seminar with their presence.