Sophia Girls’ College, Ajmer
Sophia Girls' College
(Autonomous), Ajmer
Seat of Wisdom

Vision and Mission VISION

‘Seek Ye Wisdom’ To work for the promotion and empowerment of women in the field of Higher Education by providing ample opportunities for their holistic development so as to enable them to make an effective contribution to the community , society and nation.


Sophia Girls’ College seeks to pursue wisdom by nurturing scholastic excellence, instilling moral values, creating responsible citizens and building global competencies.

  • To lead the students towards the pursuit of truth, knowledge and God.
  • To implant eternal values so as to enable them to become beacons of light and ambassadors of humanity.
  • To inculcate discernment so that they think with acumen and astuteness.
  • To recognise and bolster distinct talents of each student.
  • To stress on individual development bearing in mind the changing needs of society.
  • To mould young girls into mature, responsible, just and empowered women.
  • To acclimatise the learners to the changing social milieu while being conversant with the traditional values.
  • To sensitize the students to reach out to the marginalized and the underprivileged.


We believe that we can lead young women to experience the Supreme Being by exposing them to eternal values through the quest of truth and self knowledge.


We are convinced that there is a Supreme Power, the source of wisdom and discernment. As stewards of the Almighty we are responsible to build up a world based on integrity, equity and inclusivity in spite of the diversity and panoptic spectrum of the universe.


We believe that in our pilgrimage towards excellence we are accountable to our stake holders and hence transparency in all departments is of paramount importance.


College through it’s curricular, extra-curricular and outreach activities aims to nourish individuals who are creative, innovative and research oriented. Such individuals will contribute to building a more sustainable and equitable world.