Home Science
Physical Education
Political Science
Computer Application
The Department believes in engaging students with simulating Project assignments, college educational fests, Annual educational trips, Guest lectures, economic conferences as the modes of learning. To provide to the students access to the diverse Economic literature, the Department also has a Library with over 150 books. The possible career options after studying Economics include Central and State Public Services, Indian Economic services, Financial Risk Analyst, Data Analyst, Investment Analyst, Actuary, Banking Jobs, Lectureship, Researcher with research organizations such as Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, National council of Applied Economic research (NCAER), Institute of Economic Research, Indian Council of Social Sciences Research (ICSSR), among others
The Department is committed to the advancement of knowledge and learning among the students of economics especially today’s young women. The curriculum helps them to think critically and develop the decision making ability to become productive and informed citizens.
Our aim is to enable students to develop a capacity to think like an economist which involves chain of deductive reasoning, identifying and evaluating tradeoffs in the context of constraints. Department offers educational opportunity to the students in order to prepare them to become accomplished citizens and professionals.
Courses Offered
The Department of Economics offers the following courses:
S.No | Name of the Course | Duration |
1 | B.A.(Optional Subject) | 3 Years |
2 | Diploma in Sustainable Development | 6 Months/90 Hours |
3 | Vocational Course-Statistical Package for the Social Sciences(SPSS) | - |
Faculty Profile
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Seminars / Workshops / Conferences
International and National Conferences/Workshops
Departmental Activities
ARTH-NITI: Economic Planning Forum
The department is committed to the advancement of knowledge and learning among the students of economics. The curriculum helps students to think critically about the economics issues they confront in their daily lives and develop their decision-making ability which helps them to become productive and informed citizens.
Economics is a versatile multifaceted subject which includes global dimension that are of increasing importance in today’s diverse society. Our aim is to enable students to develop a capacity to think like an economist who involves chain of deductive reasoning, identifying and evaluating trade-offs in the context of constraints and distinguishes positive from normative analysis. The Department offers educational opportunities to the students to prepare them to become accomplished citizens and professionals.
Departmental Activity Reports
S.No. | Session | Report |
1 | 2016-17 | |
2 | 2017-18 | |
3 | 2018-19 | |
4 | 2019-20 | |
5 | 2020-21 | |
6 | 2021-22 | |
7 | 2023-24 |
English Literature refers to the study of texts from around the world, written in the English language. By studying for a Degree in English Literature, you will learn how to analyze a multitude of texts and write clearly using several different styles. Generally, Literature refers to different types of text including novels, non-fiction, poetry, and plays, among other forms. However, Literature is a contested term, as new mediums for communication provide different types of contemporaryLiterature. The Department aims at maximizing the intellectual potential of students by creating a stimulating learning environment. Also, to develop independently enquiring minds and encourages life time learning and appreciation of Literature written across the different phases of world history. The possible career options after studying English Literature include Teacher, Lectureship, Journalism and Mass communication, Writer, Editor, Linguistics, Translator, Communication Management, etc. The Department also offers Honours Degree in English Literature - It is a three year course which gives you the ability to analyze and form innovative ideas. This Degree opens a wide range of opportunities for the students. The student along with the honours papers studies a subsidiary subject which broadens her horizon.
To develop a stimulating learning environment that encourages life time learning and appreciation of literature written across different phases of world history.
The Department aims to reinforce their ability to analyze and hone their critical thinking. To interpret and evaluate literary texts and theories and apply them to their lives. To provide them with sophisticated writing and thinking skills useful for understanding Literature. To create dynamic research environment by introducing the tools of research.
Courses Offered
The Department of English offers the following courses:
S.No | Name of the Course | Duration |
1 | M.A.English Literature | 2 Years |
2 | B.A.(Optional Subject) | 3 Years |
3 | Diploma in Journalism and French | 6 Months/90 Hours |
Motifs-A Peer Reviewed International Journal of English Studies aims at providing a befitting platform to scholars of English Language as well as Literature , from worldwide or in translation , to engage in a literary and academic debate so as to voice their opinion based on thoroughly researched material . A distinguished editorial board with experts in different domains of literature ensures the quality of research papers published in the journal. Submitted papers are evaluated on the basis of originality and contribution to the advanced understanding of literature and in sensitising the readers towards eternal values and virtues that form the corner stone of every civilisation. Manuscripts are welcomed on a wide range of topics in literature, viz. History of literature, Modern and Post-modern theories, Comparative analysis, Feminist Studies, Principles of Criticism, Ecofeminism, Psychological studies and other new trends in literature.
Faculty Profile
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Seminars / Workshops / Conferences
International and National Conferences/Workshops
Departmental Activities
ATHENAEUM - The English Forum
To maximize the intellectual potential of all the students by providing them with a stimulating learning environment. Encourage independent enquiring minds with an ability to learn and appreciate life and literature written across the different phases of world history.
To enhance their ability to analyze, hone their critical thinking to interpret and evaluate literary texts and theories. To apply the lessons learnt from literature to their lives. To provide a dynamic research environment, equipped with the required tools to enhance their Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking skills.
Departmental Activity Reports
S.No. | Session | Report |
1 | 2016-17 | |
2 | 2017-18 | |
3 | 2018-19 | |
4 | 2019-20 | |
5 | 2020-21 | |
6 | 2021-22 | |
7 | 2023-24 |
The Department of Geography envisions helping students to comprehend the relationships between people and their environments. The Department aspires to grow to international standards committed to scholarly excellence in Geography and related fields. The Department aspires towards building its reputation in the areas of mapping science, earth science, urban and regional planning and environmental analysis and planning. It desires to bring to the fore the importance of a geographic perspective in preparing citizens for a globally competent world by cultivating love for the subject. The possible career options after studying Geography include Central and State Public Services, Lectureship, Remote sensing, Urban and Regional Planning, Geospatial Analysis, Researcher among others.
The Department envisions developing a stimulating learning environment and promotes advancement of integrated geographical knowledge of the earth and its people.
To provide dynamic leadership in teaching, research, consultancy and outreach services in Geography and Geo- informatics for the benefit of humanity and sustainable development.
Courses Offered
The Department of Geography offers the following courses: :
S.No | Name of the Course | Duration |
1 | Ph.D. Geography | Minimum 2.5 Years |
2 | M.A./ M.Sc.Geography | 2 Years |
3 | B.A.(Optional subject) | 2 Years |
4 | Diploma in GIS | 6 Months/ 90 Hours |
5 | Diploma in Yoga | 6 Months/ 90 Hours |
6 | ISRO Sponsored EDUSAT Outreach Programme | - |
Khoj-A Peer Reviewed International Journal of Geography aims to publish original academic research of high standard in the fields of Geography with special emphasis on human-related processes and its interrelationships with nature.Submitted papers will be reviewed and evaluated on the basis of their scientific quality, originality and contribution to the advanced understanding of Physical and Human environmental interactions. A distinguished editorial board with experts in different domains of Geography ensures the quality of research papers published in the journal.Manuscripts are welcomed in a wide range of topics in Geography and related fields such as environmental management, urban planning, earth science,soil science, demography, pandemics and disaster management, climatology, landscape ecology, hydrology and geomorphology, social and culture aspects, GIS applications etc.
Faculty Profile
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Seminars / Workshops / Conferences
International and National Conferences/Workshops
Departmental Activities
PRAKRITI: The Geography Association
To provide students with educational experiences of the highest quality and to conduct vital research that produces valuable publications and give them practical knowledge within the framework of academic freedom and diversity of ideas.
To explore the potentialities among students by providing them with a platform to showcase their innate talents. The forum is dedicated towards bringing to light, the advancement of knowledge through incorporation of latest techniques of remote sensing and GIS in their practice.
Departmental Activity Reports
S.No. | Session | Report |
1 | 2016-17 | |
2 | 2017-18 | |
3 | 2018-19 | |
4 | 2019-20 | |
5 | 2020-21 | |
6 | 2021-22 | |
7 | 2023-24 |
The Department takes the responsibility of strongly holding to the roots of the country by strengthening its mother tongue. The Department aims at establishing an order where literature enlightens its students about its country’s experience with time. The creative genius of a great many writers is brought to life. The subject also opens a range of job opportunities and research programs in a world that pays heed to translation.
To encourage the students to have a positive outlook towards their mother tongue and be proficient in the language. The Department also encourages its students to develop their communication skills which would help in their all round development. It also aims at inculcating moral values and educating them in the field of study so as to bestow them with various employment opportunities.
The aim of the Department is to encourage students to take active interest in the subject and to strengthen the basic language skills. The Department also aims at imparting information in a manner that not only enhances academics and also helps them develop a viewpoint. Teaching and research are paid special attention for they form the basis of the contemporary education system.
Courses Offered
The Department of Hindi offers the following courses:
S.No | Name of the Course | Duration |
1 | B.A.(Optional Subject) | 3 Years |
Faculty Profile
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Departmental Activities
ज्ञानोदय: The Hindi Club
VISION (दृष्टिकोण)
विद्यार्थियों के जीवन में ज्ञान रूपी सूर्य का उदय करना | हिंदी भाषा व साहित्य के प्रति रूचि जागृत करना |
MISSION (लक्ष्य)
रचनात्मक लेखन व भाषण में दक्षता हेतु विभिन्न प्रतियोगिताओ के आयोजन के साथ देशभक्ति प्रोग्राम ,हिंदी दिवस ,पर्यावरण सुरक्षा ,हिन्दी भाषा की समृद्धता हेतु विभिन्न गतिविधियों का आयोजन |
OBJECTIVES (उद्देश्य)
Departmental Activity Reports
S.No. | Session | Report |
1 | 2016-17 | |
2 | 2017-18 | |
3 | 2018-19 | |
4 | 2019-20 | |
5 | 2020-21 | |
6 | 2021-22 | |
7 | 2023-24 |
The Department through its course and programme creates opportunity for students to delve into the discipline of Indian, Regional and World History ranging from ancient to modern period. The Department aims to prepare Historians as problem solvers, researchers and Think Tanks to aid the society in interpreting various socio-economic and political issues both at national and international levels. The Department believes in engaging students with simulating Project assignments, Annual educational trips, Guest lectures, History conferences and Movie screenings as the modes of learning. To provide to the students access to the diverse historical literature, the Department also has a Library with over 100 books. The possible career options after studying History include Central and State Public Services, Lectureship, Archaeologist, Museum Curator, Archivist, Travel and Tourism Expert, Journalism, Researcher with historical research organizations such as Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR) and Indian Council of Social Sciences Research (ICSSR), among others.
The Department of History is dedicated to secular interpretation of History whether international, national and regional using analytical as well as analogical reconstruction of the past. The approach is interdisciplinary in keeping with the lines by E H Carr (1892-1982) ,”History is an unending dialogue between the past and the present.”
The Department intends to promote self understanding and proper conception of time, space and society in the students. It aims to nurture students into proactive citizens who are able to critically assess the values and achievements of their age and resolve the controversial contemporary issues.
Courses Offered
The Department of History offers the following courses:
S.No | Name of the Course | Duration |
1 | M.A.History | 2 Years |
2 | B.A.(Optional Subject) | 3 Years |
3 | Vocational Course (for III year students): Short Films and Documentaries | - |
Faculty Profile
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Seminars / Workshops / Conferences
International and National Conferences/Workshops
Departmental Activities
KHANQAH - The History Forum
To create and coordinate a formal network for the community of historians that is dedicated to secular & unbiased interpretation of History and comprehensive analysis of the present socio-economic and political problems afflicting the country.
To organize Education Tours, Academic Lectures and Conferences that nurture sensitivity towards Indian past, heritage & culture and research acumen in History.
Departmental Activity Reports
S.No. | Session | Report |
1 | 2016-17 | |
2 | 2017-18 | |
3 | 2018-19 | |
4 | 2019-20 | |
5 | 2020-21 | |
6 | 2021-22 | |
7 | 2023-24 |
Home Science is a combination of science and arts that includes all the things that concern the person, home, family members and resources. It is the education for “better living” and the core of this education is the family ecosystem. Our Department aims at teaching the students how to deal with reciprocal relations between the family and its natural and man-made environments. The study of Home Science aims at getting maximum satisfaction for the person and their family members through the efficient and scientific use of your resources. It gives the person all the knowledge of the scientific procedures involved in making a home beautiful. Home science integrates the application of various sciences and humanities to improve human environment, family nutrition, management of resources and child development. The vision of our Department is to train young girls to build up ideal families and be change makers. The course aims to empower and uplift women through excellence in education in rural and urban areas. Our subject prepares the students to develop values, emotions and skills to promote personal, family and social responsibilities. The department of Home Science also encourages and inculcates in its students to learn the skills of entrepreneurship.
The Department aims to empower and uplift women through excellence in education in rural and urban areas. Our subject prepares the students to develop values, emotions and skills to promote personal, family and social responsibilities.
The Department aims to discover the changing needs of individuals and families. The subject tries to develop wholesome personality of the students by unifying their knowledge through related science and arts disciplines. Home Science is a subject which trains the students the skills for employment and entrepreneurship.
Courses Offered
The Department of Home Science offers the following courses:
S.No | Name of the Course | Duration |
1 | B.A.(Optional Subject) | 3 Years |
2 | Vocational Courses: Food Preservation and Baking & Confectionery | - |
3 | Diploma in Dyeing & Printing | 6 Months/90 Hours |
Faculty Profile
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Seminars / Workshops / Conferences
International and National Conferences/Workshops
Departmental Activities
AASHIYA - The Home Science Association
The Department aims to impart higher quality skills to the students. It also aspires to undertake various extension and entrepreneurship activities for the students and also to empower women through various skills to promote family, social and personal responsibilities. Home Science education tries to train and educate its girl students to make a perfect interface between these two spheres of women’s life.
The mission of this club is to provide the students with an opportunity to discover their ‘culinary and craft’ skills and to prepare a platform for the young girls to develop their wholesome personality. It trains them for employment and entrepreneurship so as to enable them to contribute towards the betterment of the society.
Departmental Activity Reports
S.No. | Session | Report |
1 | 2016-17 | |
2 | 2017-18 | |
3 | 2018-19 | |
4 | 2019-20 | |
5 | 2020-21 | |
6 | 2021-22 | |
7 | 2023-24 |
Mathematics is the cradle of all creations as it nurtures reasoning, critical thinking and problem solving ability. Mathematics is essential in many fields including Natural Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Finance and Social Sciences. Principal topics of Mathematics taught are Calculus, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Mechanics, Statistics and Differential equations. The graduates are expected to have the fundamental knowledge and ability to develop research aptitude in their respective fields. After studying Mathematics, graduates can pursue careers as Operation Research Analyst, Teaching, Data Analyst, and Banking and as Researcher with Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), National Aeronautic Limited (NAL) and Society for Electronic Transaction and Security (SETS). We provide guidance and inspiration for our students.
Our vision for the students of Mathematics is to provide a curriculum that enables them to compete professionally and imbibe logic and rationality in their every life.
The Department of Mathematics aims to provide the most advanced quality education. It aspires to prepare brilliant mathematicians capable of deciphering abstract concepts and applying them to solve problems.
Courses Offered
The Department of Mathematics offers the following courses:
S.No | Name of the Course | Duration |
1 | B.Sc. Maths (As an optional Subject) | 3 Years |
Faculty Profile
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Departmental Activities
RAMANUJAN - The Mathematics Forum
To give wings to the young minds so that they can understand the value of social co- operation and to develop scientific thinking among them.
To make them better and skilled human beings so that they can make this world a better place to live in.
Departmental Activity Reports
S.No. | Session | Report |
1 | 2016-17 | |
2 | 2017-18 | |
3 | 2018-19 | |
4 | 2019-20 | |
5 | 2020-21 | |
6 | 2021-22 | |
7 | 2023-24 |
The Department of Physical Education aims at educational outcomes and acquisition of skills which enable the students to provide services in education, health, recreation and competitive sports. It provides an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the key elements of sports, exercise, health and physical activity from the perspective of the science. Throughout the program, students will learn the science behind the effective performance in physical activity and sports. The Department aims to create awareness about healthy and active lifestyle and provide an opportunity to inculcate leadership, teamwork and social qualities among the players. Possible career options for graduates in Physical Education include Sports, Sports Psychology, Physical Education Teachers and Lecturers, Coaches, Sports Nutritionist, Physical Therapists and Researchers.
The Department plays an pivotal role in organizing the Sports events of the College like Inter Collegiate Women’s Tournament for Basketball, Volleyball, Hockey, Kho-Kho, Kabaddi, Handball; West Zone Inter University ‘Intramural’ Coaching games, etc. Students also represent the College in various sports events like Cricket, Kho-Kho, Basketball, Hockey, Boxing, Lawn Tennis, Athletics etc. The Department also encourages holistic development by giving opportunities to students to attend and present Papers at various National Conferences on Physical Education & Sports Sciences.
The Department of Physical Education aims to educate students about motor skills for performing variety of physical activities It also makes the students aware of their own health issues and prepares innovative professionals for service at both regional and global levels.
Department of Physical Education is dedicated to and focused on the wholesome development of the students’ physical, mental, and intellectual health and also provides high quality education and career preparation for job opportunities for the students.
Courses Offered
The Department of Physical Education offers the following courses:
S.No | Name of the Course | Duration |
1 | B.A.(Optional Subject) | 3 Years |
2 | Health and Well-Being courses | - |
Faculty Profile
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Seminars / Workshops / Conferences
International and National Conferences/Workshops
Departmental Activities
Departmental Activity Reports
S.No. | Session | Report |
1 | 2018-19 | |
2 | 2019-20 | |
3 | 2020-21 | |
4 | 2021-22 |
The purpose of a course in Political Science is to deepen our knowledge and understanding of one of the most powerful forces operating on people, communities and corporations today, namely governments and politics around the world.
Politics affects virtually every aspect of our lives, including the availability of education, jobs, housing and healthcare. Whether countries are at war or at peace depends both on what governments do and who supports them. A Bachelor’s degree in Political Science can lead to exciting careers in Central, State and local government; law; business; international organizations; non-profit associations and organizations; campaign management and polling; journalism; pre-collegiate education; electoral politics; research; university and college teaching and applied politics. Political Science major’s gain analytical skills, administrative competence and communication abilities that are valued in a wide spectrum of potential career areas.
To make students understand, interpret, explain and critically assess events, patterns and structures of politics, governments and society.
To help students deepen their knowledge and understanding of governments and politics around the world and to explore both the ‘who’ and the ‘how’ of politics, develop evaluative skills, analytical reasoning, critical argumentation, along with quantitative and qualitative reasoning.
Courses Offered
The Department of Political Science offers the following courses:
S.No | Name of the Course | Duration |
1 | M.A. Political Science | 2 Years |
2 | B.A.(Optional Subject) | 3 Years |
3 | Credit Course on Human Rights for Post Graduate Students. | - |
Faculty Profile
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Seminars / Workshops / Conferences
International and National Conferences/Workshops
Departmental Activities
LYCEUM - Department Of Political Science
To prepare the students for active Citizenship and demonstrate an ongoing interest in national and global politics.
To develop an awareness of the structure and operation of the components of different political systems, so as to cultivate a more sophisticated and intelligent participation in the political system.
Departmental Activity Reports
S.No. | Session | Report |
1 | 2016-17 | |
2 | 2017-18 | |
3 | 2018-19 | |
4 | 2019-20 | |
5 | 2020-21 | |
6 | 2021-22 | |
7 | 2023-24 |
The Department of Psychology seeks to develop future psychologists, counselors, researchers and social workers by providing students the knowledge, understanding, training and field experience in the subject. The students develop empathic understanding, sensitivity, motivation and skills involved in assisting and caring for other human beings. The Department believes in aiding individual to make changes in their own self by understanding the concepts of Psychology. Regular interactive sessions and internship with psychologists are organized to help them understand the subject.
The Department of Psychology aims to enhance the personality of the students by inculcating behavioral skills for their holistic development. The goal is to provide a platform for future health professionals.
The Department seeks to advance the creation, communication and the application of psychological knowledge to benefit society and improve people’s lives. The students are provided with an enriching theoretical and practical curriculum to help them to master the tools, techniques and methodologies of the subject.
Courses Offered
The Department of Psychology offers the following courses:
S.No | Name of the Course | Duration |
1 | B.A.(Optional Subject) | 3 Years |
2 | M.A. Psychology | 2 Years |
3 | Vocational Course in Personality Development | - |
Faculty Profile
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Seminars / Workshops / Conferences
International and National Conferences/Workshops
Departmental Activities
ANUBHUTI - The Psychology Forum
ANUBHUTI: The Psychology Forum aims to enhance behavioral, cognitive, emotional and social skills of the students.
The forum seeks to impart practical exposure to the students required for understanding their community.
Departmental Activity Reports
S.No. | Session | Report |
1 | 2016-17 | |
2 | 2017-18 | |
3 | 2018-19 | |
4 | 2019-20 | |
5 | 2020-21 | |
6 | 2021-22 | |
7 | 2023-24 |
The Department is dedicated to understand Sociology as an independent discipline and its applicability in various social settings. It aims at promoting a sociological imagination which would prepare the students for further research and allow them to probe objectively and scientifically. The Department endeavors to promote awareness about myriad social issues. Additionally, the vision is to make students responsible and functional members of the society and citizens of the global world. With new avenues opening up in the field of study the students are encouraged towards research oriented study.
The Department aims to encourage the girl students to continue their higher education and prepare them as functional members of the society. The Department aims at identifying students with research aptitude and builds research abilities which can be used to perpetuate learning in Sociology as a discipline.
The Department facilitates the students in understanding various social processes, latent concepts and varying sociological perspectives in such a way that they are able to critically evaluate theories and models and employ those theories in common practices.
Courses Offered
The Department of Sociology offers the following courses:
S.No | Name of the Course | Duration |
1 | M.A. Sociology | 2 Years |
2 | B.A.(Optional Subject) | 3 Years |
Faculty Profile
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Departmental Activities
SOCIUS - Department Of Sociology
The Department aims to encourage the girl students to continue their higher education and prepare them as functional members of the society. The Department aims at identifying students with research aptitude and builds research abilities which can be used to perpetuate learning in Sociology as a discipline.
The Department facilitates the students in understanding various social processes, latent concepts and varying sociological perspectives in such a way that they are able to critically evaluate theories and models and employ those theories in common practices.
Departmental Activity Reports
S.No. | Session | Report |
1 | 2018-19 | |
2 | 2019-20 | |
3 | 2020-21 | |
4 | 2021-22 | |
5 | 2023-24 |
Information Technology has become pervasive and thus the Department has chosen to develop budding technocrats as per the need of time, society and nation. The Department continues to emphasize the pristine science that lies under the diverse aspects of computing; and thus envisions building its reputation as one of the leading under graduate and post graduate Computer Science programme in the nation in the areas of computer professionals, web developers, software engineers, research associates, academicians and entrepreneurs. Possible career options for graduates and post-graduates in Computer Science includes Software Developer, Web Developer, System Engineer, Software Programmer, Software Consultant, Computer professionals in IT departments of government and public sector organizations and as Research Associates.
The Department envisions providing quality education that enhances intellectual capabilities and career opportunities in young women and moulding them into prolific and ethical individuals.
To educate students to be successful, ethical, and effective problem-solving IT professionals and life-long learners who will contribute positively to the economic well-being of our region and nation and who are prepared to undertake the complex challenges of the 21st century.
Courses Offered
The Department of Computer Application offers the following courses:
S.No | Name of the Course | Duration |
1 | Ph.D. Computer Science | Minimum 2.5 Years |
2 | M.Sc. Computer Science | 2 Years |
3 | BCA | 3 Years |
4 | VCA(Subsidiary Subject) for B.A./B.Com./B.Sc. Maths/B.Sc. Biology | 3 Years |
5 | Diploma in Basics of Graphic Designing | 6 Months/ 90 Hours |
6 | Add on Course "Animation Designing" | 30 Hours |
Faculty Profile
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Seminars / Workshops / Conferences
International and National Conferences/Workshops
Departmental Activities
SILICON - The Computer Science Forum
To be a leading student organization providing a well-coordinated support hub for IT students to engage, explore and evolve as responsible IT professionals with creative and innovative mind to contribute to national socio-economic development of the nation.
To deliver a high quality student-centered support hub that encourages IT students to improve academically, participate in college and external activities, foster a responsible sharing of knowledge, offer opportunities in exploring and nurturing values, improve cognitive and technical skills, develop entrepreneurial and interpersonal skills, and stimulate social responsibility awareness which will assist them to learn, grow and fully prepared to face the challenges in life outside the campus and global workforce.
Departmental Activity Reports
S.No. | Session | Report |
1 | 2016-17 | |
2 | 2017-18 | |
3 | 2018-19 | |
4 | 2019-20 | |
5 | 2020-21 | |
6 | 2023-24 |
Botany encompasses the study of plants which include trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses, mosses, algae etc. This branch of Science helps to develop understanding about the fundamental natural phenomena and processes of plant life, classification and nomenclature of plant kingdom and also the applied topics such as Horticulture, Agriculture and Forestry. The main branches of the subject which are dealt in the Bachelor Programme are Cytology, Plant reproduction, Plant morphology, Plant taxonomy, Plant Ecology and Plant Anatomy and Economic Botany. The possible career options after studying Botany includes Academic Journal Assistant Editor, Airport Wildlife Biologist, Aquatic Biologist, Biologist – Department of the Army, Environmental Quality Analyst, Fish and Wildlife Technician, Medicinal Cannabis – Chief Master Grower/Processor, Municipal Park Range, Wetland Scientist among others.
Department of Botany aims to inspire and develop analytical and critical thinking in its students pertinent to Botany as a discipline.
The Department aims to provide best educational opportunities possible for the students to develop an understanding and appreciation of plants. The Department strives to prepare future botanists interested in plants sciences and solving issues like yield increase, fruiting, disease resistance or response of plants to environmental conditions etc.
Courses Offered
The Department of Botany offers the following courses:
S.No | Name of the Course | Duration |
1 | B.Sc.(Biology) (As an optional Subject) | 3 Years |
2 | Vocational Course (For III year): Alternative Medicines & Home Remedies | - |
Faculty Profile
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Seminars / Workshops / Conferences
International and National Conferences/Workshops
Departmental Activities
ORCHID - The Botany Forum
To create a learning fraternity by providing a platform for excellence beyond classroom.
Orchid - The Botany Forum is striving to work towards academic and co-curricular excellence of the students in various domains of education. The activities organised under this forum provides new areas of growth that helps enhance interaction and promote leadership qualities as most of the activities are initiated by students themselves, aided and facilitated by the teachers.
Departmental Activity Reports
S.No. | Session | Report |
1 | 2018-19 | |
2 | 2019-20 | |
3 | 2020-21 | |
4 | 2021-22 | |
5 | 2023-24 |
The Department of Chemistry is a thriving centre for distinctive and scholastic excellence in chemical sciences. The Department is globally relevant and provides a broad foundation in Chemistry. The Department stress scientific reasoning and analytical problem solving with molecular perspective. Knowledge of Chemistry is indispensable for the pursuit of any of the other sciences. It is needed in laboratories, Medicinal fields, Farmlands and manufacturing processes. The degree with the subject Chemistry provides abundant career opportunities in various fields like becoming Analytical Chemist, Chemical Engineer, Nanotechnologist, Pharmacologist, Toxicologist, Academicians, Environmental Consultant, etc. It provides sound theoretical and laboratory experience to the students, which helps to inculcate the research orientation in the learner. Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry are the main branches of the subject.
The Department aims at holistic development of girl students as independent learners and to enable them to meet social, economic and cultural challenges to make our community, our nation and our world a better place.
The endeavor of the Department is to provide intellectually stimulating environment for the multifaceted growth of the students and to mentor the students and foster excellence in preparing knowledgeable and inquisitive learners in the field of Chemistry.
Courses Offered
The Department of Chemistry offers the following courses:
S.No | Name of the Course | Duration |
1 | Ph.D.Chemistry | Minimum 2.5 Years |
2 | M.Sc.Chemistry | 2 Years |
3 | B.Sc.(Biology)/ B.Sc. Maths (As an optional Subject) | 3 Years |
4 | Vocational Course(For II Years) on Soft Skills | - |
Faculty Profile
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Seminars / Workshops / Conferences
International and National Conferences/Workshops
Departmental Activities
CATALYST - The Chemistry Forum
To felicitate a better understanding of various aspects of chemistry, encourage students’ innovations and explore their critical thinking.
To inculcate a zeal for experiential learning by integrating theoretical and practical approach of chemistry. To strengthen comprehensive environment for learning to help the students transform themselves into well-versed professionals in the scientific arena.
Departmental Activity Reports
S.No. | Session | Report |
1 | 2016-17 | |
2 | 2017-18 | |
3 | 2018-19 | |
4 | 2019-20 | |
5 | 2020-21 | |
6 | 2021-22 | |
7 | 2023-24 |
Mathematics is the cradle of all creations as it nurtures reasoning, critical thinking and problem solving ability. Mathematics is essential in many fields including Natural Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Finance and Social Sciences. Principal topics of Mathematics taught are Calculus, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Mechanics, Statistics and Differential equations. The graduates are expected to have the fundamental knowledge and ability to develop research aptitude in their respective fields. After studying Mathematics, graduates can pursue careers as Operation Research Analyst, Teaching, Data Analyst, and Banking and as Researcher with Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), National Aeronautic Limited (NAL) and Society for Electronic Transaction and Security (SETS). We provide guidance and inspiration for our students.
Our vision for the students of Mathematics is to provide a curriculum that enables them to compete professionally and imbibe logic and rationality in their every life.
The Department of Mathematics aims to provide the most advanced quality education. It aspires to prepare brilliant mathematicians capable of deciphering abstract concepts and applying them to solve problems.
Courses Offered
The Department of Mathematics offers the following courses:
S.No | Name of the Course | Duration |
1 | B.Sc. Maths (As an optional Subject) | 3 Years |
Faculty Profile
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Departmental Activities
RAMANUJAN - The Mathematics Forum
To give wings to the young minds so that they can understand the value of social co- operation and to develop scientific thinking among them.
To make them better and skilled human beings so that they can make this world a better place to live in.
Departmental Activity Reports
S.No. | Session | Report |
1 | 2016-17 | |
2 | 2017-18 | |
3 | 2018-19 | |
4 | 2019-20 | |
5 | 2020-21 | |
6 | 2021-22 | |
7 | 2023-24 |
Physics is the most fundamental discipline of Science which deals with the combination of matter and energy. It is the science of nature which pertains to natural objects and deals with the laws and properties of matter and the forces having an impact on matter. The Department believes in “Learning by Doing”. For the Department of Physics developing social and moral values are as important as having scientific temperament. Department aims to establish itself as an educational and scientific centre of excellence for research. The main sub disciplines of Physics taught in the undergraduate course are –Thermodynamics, Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Electronics, Waves and oscillation Optics, Advanced Quantum, Solid State Physics and Nuclear physics.
The Department of Physics aims at creating a seat of excellence, where education is a blend of scientific learning, social and moral development.
To clear the fundamentals of Physics so that students can cope up with today’s scenario and to impart theoretical learning and encourage experimental research.
Courses Offered
The Department of Physics offers the following courses:
S.No | Name of the Course | Duration |
1 | B.Sc. Maths (As an optional Subject) | 3 Years |
Faculty Profile
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Seminars / Workshops / Conferences
International and National Conferences/Workshops
Departmental Activities
KALAM - The Physics Forum
To give wings to the young minds so that they can understand the value of social co- operation and to develop scientific thinking among them.
To make them better and skilled human beings so that they can make this world a better place to live in.
Departmental Activity Reports
S.No. | Session | Report |
1 | 2016-17 | |
2 | 2017-18 | |
3 | 2018-19 | |
4 | 2019-20 | |
5 | 2020-21 | |
6 | 2021-22 | |
7 | 2023-24 |
Department of Zoology through its course helps students in understanding of the faunal diversity on our planet. Zoology is important to science and to the world because it safeguards wildlife and promotes conservation through programs like natural rehabilitation and breeding of endangered and even flourishing animals and helps create precedence for the future generation. The main focus of the bachelor programs is on Cell Biology, Genetics, Evolution, Ethology, Biostatistics, Applied Zoology, Ecology, Vertebrates, Immunology and Developmental Biology. A graduate degree in Zoology opens a wide range of career opportunities in the field such as Teaching and Research, Forensics, Indian Forest Services, Indian Administrative Services, including working as Zoo Curators, Museum Curators, Animal and Wildlife Educators, Wildlife Rehabilitators and Conservationist to name a few.
The Department envisions not merely to promote excellence in Zoological studies but also to give women a threshold to scientific learning and research and application of this knowledge to fulfill their social and economic needs.
To create an intellectually stimulating environment with critical thinking and analytical skills along with research and extension activities facilitating understanding of practical skills and knowledge of applied aspects of Zoology to provide a conducive environ for self-employment. To develop an aptitude for observation and understanding of the rich Biodiversity and encourage adoption of new approaches and scientific measures for the conservation of diversity and bio resources.
Courses Offered
The Department of Zoology offers the following courses:
S.No | Name of the Course | Duration |
1 | B.Sc.(Biology)(As an optional Subject) | 3 Years |
2 | Vocational Course(For II Year) on Basics of Ornithology | - |
Faculty Profile
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Seminars / Workshops / Conferences
International and National Conferences/Workshops
Departmental Activities
FLORICANS - The Zoology Forum
The forum aspires to inculcate in the students a connect with the palpable world of flora and fauna that urbanscapes inevitably erode. It envisions a platform for integrated and holistic growth as a responsible member of society. It aims at firing the passion to “follow knowledge like the sinking star beyond the utmost bounds of human thought.”
The forum offers the students a ground to nurture their talents, to explore the world of scientific learning, to provide an ambience for study and research and equip them with tools to hone their skills in the pursuit of Zoological studies.
Departmental Activity Reports
S.No. | Session | Report |
1 | 2016-17 | |
2 | 2017-18 | |
3 | 2018-19 | |
4 | 2019-20 | |
5 | 2020-21 | |
6 | 2021-22 | |
7 | 2023-24 |
The Commerce program aims to prepare the students to select their professional career from various current avenues. The Bachelor of Commerce is a career-oriented undergraduate degree which provides a foundation in all aspects of commerce. The three year B.Com degree program is divided into six semesters. This prepares the graduates for a wide range of careers in the business world. The Program develops competency in students to pursue higher level programs such as CA, CWA, CS, MBA or other Masters' Programme in Commerce and Management. It also enhances practical knowledge and employability as auditors and tax practitioners. Students also have an opportunity to hone their skills through real-time competitions, projects and internship. Some of the career options include Accounting, Marketing and Advertising, Business Management, Business Development, Banking, Management Consulting, Economic Analysis, Financial Planning, Foreign Affairs, Fund Management, International Business and Trade Analysis, Government Administration, Policy Formulation, Portfolio Management in the private and public sectors.
Department Of Accounts & Finance
To be a Department of academic excellence with total commitment to quality education in Accounts, Finance and related fields with a holistic concern for better life, environment and society.
Empowering students with all the knowledge and guidance that they need to become worthy accounting professionals and providing for overall and value based development of students which ultimately enhances their employability.
Department Of Business Management
The Department envisions being a front runner in providing holistic education to create visionary professionals and entrepreneurs enriched with innovation and leadership through integration of teaching and learning, education and research and to foster an equitable and productive growth in the complex global society.
The Department aims to provide a nurturing and motivating environment to discover and channelize the full potential of the students and to groom the youth to become a truly global personality; well equipped to deal with the modern business world and its challenges.
Department Of Banking And Financial Management
The Department aims to provide educational courses of high quality in the domain of Banking and Finance and to train and equip students with basic tools of economic analysis.
The Department aims to upgrade and provide the specialized knowledge of Banking and Finance Sector and make students aware of the present national and global economic conditions.
Department Of B.Com. (Hons)
The Department aims to be a centre for excellence and prepare students who are globally competitive in the core areas of Accounting and Finance.
To be involved in the consultancy services in areas of Accounting, Finance and Taxation. The Department actively focuses on summer internship and industrial training to increase the employability quotient of the students.
Courses Offered
The Department of Commerce offers the following courses:
S.No | Name of the Course | Duration |
1 | Ph.D. ABST | Minimum 2.5 Years |
2 | M.Com.(ABST) | 2 Years |
3 | B.Com. | 3 Years |
Faculty Profile
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Seminars / Workshops / Conferences
International and National Conferences/Workshops
Departmental Activities
COMMERCIUM - The Commerce Forum
The Forum shall strive to create young Entrepreneurs and Professionals.
To provide a nurturing environment that enables holistic development of the students.
Departmental Activity Reports
S.No. | Session | Report |
1 | 2016-17 | |
2 | 2017-18 | |
3 | 2018-19 | |
4 | 2019-20 | |
5 | 2020-21 | |
6 | 2021-22 | |
7 | 2023-24 |
Information Technology has become pervasive and thus the Department has chosen to develop budding technocrats as per the need of time, society and nation. The Department continues to emphasize the pristine science that lies under the diverse aspects of computing; and thus envisions building its reputation as one of the leading under graduate and post graduate Computer Science programme in the nation in the areas of computer professionals, web developers, software engineers, research associates, academicians and entrepreneurs. Possible career options for graduates and post-graduates in Computer Science includes Software Developer, Web Developer, System Engineer, Software Programmer, Software Consultant, Computer professionals in IT departments of government and public sector organizations and as Research Associates.
The Department envisions providing quality education that enhances intellectual capabilities and career opportunities in young women and moulding them into prolific and ethical individuals.
To educate students to be successful, ethical, and effective problem-solving IT professionals and life-long learners who will contribute positively to the economic well-being of our region and nation and who are prepared to undertake the complex challenges of the 21st century.
Courses Offered
The Department of Computer Application offers the following courses:
S.No | Name of the Course | Duration |
1 | Ph.D. Computer Science | Minimum 2.5 Years |
2 | M.Sc. Computer Science | 2 Years |
3 | BCA | 3 Years |
4 | VCA(Subsidiary Subject) for B.A./B.Com./B.Sc. Maths/B.Sc. Biology | 3 Years |
5 | Diploma in Basics of Graphic Designing | 6 Months/ 90 Hours |
6 | Add on Course "Animation Designing" | 30 Hours |
Faculty Profile
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Seminars / Workshops / Conferences
International and National Conferences/Workshops
Departmental Activities
SILICON - The Computer Science Forum
To be a leading student organization providing a well-coordinated support hub for IT students to engage, explore and evolve as responsible IT professionals with creative and innovative mind to contribute to national socio-economic development of the nation.
To deliver a high quality student-centered support hub that encourages IT students to improve academically, participate in college and external activities, foster a responsible sharing of knowledge, offer opportunities in exploring and nurturing values, improve cognitive and technical skills, develop entrepreneurial and interpersonal skills, and stimulate social responsibility awareness which will assist them to learn, grow and fully prepared to face the challenges in life outside the campus and global workforce.
Departmental Activity Reports
S.No. | Session | Report |
1 | 2016-17 | |
2 | 2017-18 | |
3 | 2018-19 | |
4 | 2019-20 | |
5 | 2020-21 | |
6 | 2023-24 |
More and more organizations in India are embarking on new concepts in handling information. With the changing times, information formats also have changed rapidly from print on paper to digital. There is a need for qualified and trained Library and Information Science professionals to take the lead and guide developments in helping the end users in the knowledge society. With the objective of imparting quality education in the field of Library and Information Science, the Sophia Girls' College (Autonomous), Ajmer has launched the Department of Library and Information Science from the academic session 2017-2018.
The aim of the Department is to impart quality education to meet national and global challenges through providing training facilities and promoting new technologies in teaching & learning that are globally recognized, meet the needs of a changing society and highly valued at different workplaces. Information has become an integral part of all aspects in modern-day life and in the knowledge society. It is a significant determinant of social, economic and cultural growth in all sectors of life. Therefore acquiring the necessary skills for the effective utilization of information and information sources is imperative for every knowledge worker - from the highest level of governmental decision-making to the lowest decision-making individual entrepreneur. The Department of Library and Information Science fulfills this responsibility by educating women's at bachelor's level to become leaders in libraries, archives, and information/knowledge centers and performing public service to support the information professions and the public good.
The Department aims to prepare information professionals for the easy access and management of information in all its forms as it has become a basic need in a modern, dynamic and knowledgeable society. Our course will focus on the quality of teaching, research and service that will maintain the department as a centre of excellence.
To enable the students to understand and appreciate the purposes of Library and Information Centres in the changing social, cultural, technological and economic environment by training them in the skills of information knowledge processing, organization and retrieval and educate them in the philosophy of librarianship, basic principles, fundamental laws, professional ethics.
Courses Offered
The Department of Library Science offers the following courses:
S.No | Name of the Course | Duration |
1 | B.Lib.I.Sc. (Bachelor of Library and Information Science) | 1 Year |
2 | Vocational Course in Library and Information Science | - |
Faculty Profile
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Departmental Activities
RANGANATHAN - Department Of Library And Information Science
Departmental Activity Reports
S.No. | Session | Report |
1 | 2017-18 | |
2 | 2018-19 | |
3 | 2019-20 | |
4 | 2020-21 |
Department of Management aspires to educate and develop innovative, entrepreneurial and responsible business leaders, who change society for the better. The course is designed to provide management education and skills to those students who wish to become professionals or who aim to have post graduation in management or commerce. The objective of this course is to make the students familiar with different aspects of organizational functionality, human resource management, communication skills and various economical aspects. The course structure is a mixture of theoretical and practical knowledge. The possible career options after studying BBA are Human Resource Manager, Business Consultant, Marketing Manager, Finance Manager and Information Systems Manager among others.
The Department endeavors to promote entrepreneurial culture and develop managerial and communication skills of the students to enable them to contribute to the development of the nation and society.
The Department aims to impart professional education and learning in the field of management, to inculcate professionalism and also develop soft skills so as to increase employability of the students.
Courses Offered
The Department of Management offers the following courses:
S.No | Name of the Course | Duration |
1 | B.B.A. | 3 Years |
2 | Job oriented Vocational Course in Tally | - |
Faculty Profile
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Seminars / Workshops / Conferences
International and National Conferences/Workshops
Departmental Activities
SYNERGY - The Management Forum
To devise a platform for the students to excel in various Co-Curricular and extra –Curricular activities.
To nurture effective Corporate Leaders for the National and Global Business.
Departmental Activity Reports
S.No. | Session | Report |
1 | 2016-17 | |
2 | 2017-18 | |
3 | 2018-19 | |
4 | 2019-20 | |
5 | 2020-21 | |
6 | 2021-22 | |
7 | 2023-24 |