Sophia Girls’ College, Ajmer
Sophia Girls' College
(Autonomous), Ajmer
Seat of Wisdom


Department of Economics

The Department believes in engaging students with simulating Project assignments, college educational fests, Annual educational trips, Guest lectures, economic conferences as the modes of learning. To provide to the students access to the diverse Economic literature, the Department also has a Library with over 150 books. The possible career options after studying Economics include Central and State Public Services, Indian Economic services, Financial Risk Analyst, Data Analyst, Investment Analyst, Actuary, Banking Jobs, Lectureship, Researcher with research organizations such as Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, National council of Applied Economic research (NCAER), Institute of Economic Research, Indian Council of Social Sciences Research (ICSSR), among others


The Department is committed to the advancement of knowledge and learning among the students of economics especially today’s young women. The curriculum helps them to think critically and develop the decision making ability to become productive and informed citizens.


Our aim is to enable students to develop a capacity to think like an economist which involves chain of deductive reasoning, identifying and evaluating tradeoffs in the context of constraints. Department offers educational opportunity to the students in order to prepare them to become accomplished citizens and professionals.

Courses Offered

The Department of Economics offers the following courses:

S.No Name of the Course Duration
1 B.A.(Optional Subject) 3 Years
2 Diploma in Sustainable Development 6 Months/90 Hours
3 Vocational Course-Statistical Package for the Social Sciences(SPSS) -

Faculty Profile

Click to view Faculty Profiles

Seminars / Workshops / Conferences

International and National Conferences/Workshops

Departmental Activities

ARTH-NITI: Economic Planning Forum


The department is committed to the advancement of knowledge and learning among the students of economics. The curriculum helps students to think critically about the economics issues they confront in their daily lives and develop their decision-making ability which helps them to become productive and informed citizens.


Economics is a versatile multifaceted subject which includes global dimension that are of increasing importance in today’s diverse society. Our aim is to enable students to develop a capacity to think like an economist who involves chain of deductive reasoning, identifying and evaluating trade-offs in the context of constraints and distinguishes positive from normative analysis. The Department offers educational opportunities to the students to prepare them to become accomplished citizens and professionals.


  1. To end the process of rote learning and develop the process of learning by doing.
  2. To organize activities with students as participants and not as audience.
  3. To boost their confidence by conducting activities completely organized by Student Representatives.
  4. To keep students updated with latest socio-economic changes and policy formulations.
  5. To impart skill through conducive internships.

Departmental Activity Reports

S.No. Session Report
1 2016-17 PDF
2 2017-18 PDF
3 2018-19 PDF
4 2019-20 PDF
5 2020-21 PDF
6 2021-22 PDF
7 2023-24 PDF